Community Guidelines


Organizing team


June 10, 2022

To ensure that members feel safe participating in our group, we ask you to follow the following guidelines when interacting in this group, whether this is on Slack, during our biweekly sessions or outside of, but related to, our group. Briefly, we aim to create a space where we can come together to learn about open science practices and support each other in dealing with the frustrations and issues we face in a vulnerable, humble and mutually supportive way. To make the space welcoming to all, we use inclusive language, acknowledge our privileges, share the discussion space, refrain from making judgements, make space for a wide range of perspectives and emotions, and hold ourselves and others accountable. In line with the spirit of Open Science, this group aims to be collaborative, transparent and acknowledging of individuals' contributions.

In more detail, we aim to uphold the following values and principles in this community:

Online Community guidelines (Slack)

Sources used in writing up Community guidelines:

Sources used for online community guidelines: