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A nice headshot of Chelsie

Chelsie Miko Hart


I'm Chelsie (she/them), a PhD candidate in experimental psychology supervised by Dr. Julia Kam and Dr. Brandy Callahan, studying mind wandering and executive functioning in individuals with and without diagnosis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. My overall research interests are on the impact (or lack thereof) on sex, gender, and sexual identity on mental health and cognition; and anything to do with videogames. I care about open science because I believe scientists need to be accountable for our research and findings, and that research should be accessible to everyone. It takes a long time for findings to get applied in the real world and academics need to do more to mitigate that, while also dealing with misinformation and misinterpretation of their work!

Brittany hiking in the mountains with her pup, Mickey

Brittany Lindsay


Hi everyone! My name is Brittany (she/her) and I am a PhD candidate in Psychology working with Dr. Andrew Szeto. My research interests involve mental health promotion, mental illness and suicide stigma reduction, and post-secondary student well-being. My other interests include hiking, cooking, listening to podcasts, and hanging out with my pup Mickey!

I am interested in open science because all science should be transparent and accessible, and the philosophy of open science aligns with these values!

A picture of Michael hiking in the Rocky Mountains

Michael McCarthy


I am a data scientist and R programmer passionate about solving problems with data. My background is in psychology research, where I’ve studied topics ranging from attitude formation, to decision-making, to individual differences in brain function. Studying how people think and act has given me a deep appreciation for the human side of data science. Much of our data is about people. All of our data is communicated to people. Understanding these relationships has been key to successfully navigating my role as a data scientist, and has taught me the importance of a transparent and accessible approach to scientific research.

If you have a problem that you want to use data science to answer, I would love to help you. I offer several consulting services to help you accomplish your goals at any point in your project lifecycle, including long and short term consulting work, private training, and drop-in consulting. I value building new connections and would love to discuss opportunities to work with you. Let’s get to know each other!

A professional headshot of Madeline

Madeline Springle


I’m a second-year Master’s student in Industrial-Organizational Psychology currently studying how Asynchronous Virtual Interviews (AVIs) can negatively impact employment opportunities for people of low socioeconomic status. I’m originally from Ontario and have really enjoyed living in Calgary this past year. Some of my best memories include hiking in the mountains, biking along the Bow River, and rock climbing with friends. I became interested in open science during my fourth year of undergrad when I took a statistics course and learned how to publish a class project on OSF. Since then, I’ve appreciated reading about open science practices and their many benefits and potential areas of concern. I’m passionate about knowledge mobilization and how we can relate psychological research to the workplace to ensure that employees and organizations utilize up-to-date practices.

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